
How To Install Exterior Door Trim

How To Install Exterior Trim

Sometimes during house projects, unexpected issues arise that have to exist dealt with.

Okay, who am I kidding? That'due south basically what's happened to every house project since the beginning of time (whatever one who has remodeled knows this!).  Then…mayhap cavemen didn't stand at that place cursing their caveman contractor or the idiot who put the handprints on the wrong wall, but y'all go the thought.

As y'all may know, we've been working on increasing our curb appeal over the past few weeks. (Read about it here and hither).  We thought nosotros'd accept off the drinking glass door, slap some paint on the one behind, swap out some fixtures and BAM! Dun-zo.

But of class, that was non to be the case.  Afterwards removing the storm door, we institute the wood trim had cracked and rotted.  It was too ridiculously thick, and then that without the storm door our front door looked like it was fix dorsum a good 8″.  And that'due south how we came to learn how to install outside trim, and why I'k sharing this tutorial with y'all today.

The silver lining? We mastered a new skill, and our front door looks a-mazing:

How To Replace Exterior Door Trim

Fortunately, installing outside trim around your forepart door is pretty straightforward. Hither'south what you'll need:

  • X-acto knife
  • Pocket-sized crowbar
  • Hammer
  • PVC brick molding door kit
  • Construction agglutinative (brand sure information technology'southward PVC- & exterior-advisable)
  • #6 galvanized finishing nails (galvanized= resists rust)
  • Miter saw (We didn't take this and improvised.  This is what you're supposed to use…)
  • Measuring tape
  • Caulk
  • Exterior paint

How To Install Exterior TrimIf you have a tempest door, remove information technology.  Either way, you'll probably demand the X-acto pocketknife to cut through and scrape off any existing caulk on the old trim.

How To Install Exterior TrimIn one case the quondam trim has been cut gratis from the house, employ the crowbar and/or hammer to pry it off.  I was fortunate that my future in-laws were visiting that weekend, and Austin'southward dad loves a good project!

How To Install Exterior Trim

Our front door, existing trim removed.

How To Install Exterior TrimThe nice affair about brick molding door kits is that the head casing (that's the superlative piece) comes pre-mitered.  So, just employ liquid nails to the frame…

How To Install Exterior TrimAnd press down the head casing, making sure information technology's centered.  Hammer 3-iv  finishing nails, taking care to sink them.

How To Install Exterior TrimNext yous'll need to mensurate the length of the side casings, from the outermost corner of the head casing.  Don't assume the left casing measurement is equal to the correct though — measure both!  Mark these measurements on the two leftover PVC lengths from the kit.

How To Install Exterior Trim

We didn't have a miter saw. Then nosotros improvised.

Set the miter saw to 45 degrees right for the right casing, and 45 degrees left for the left casing.  Cut the mitered border get-go, and so re-measure out the correct length, and finally make a 90-degree cutting at the other end.

How To Install Exterior TrimThe next steps are the aforementioned as they were for the caput casing.  Apply the construction agglutinative, concur the side casing in identify, and hammer in finishing nails every 6-8 inches or so, and sink them with the hammer and some other nail.

How To Install Exterior TrimFill the boom holes with caulk and wipe with a clammy paper towel.  So, caulk the new trim to the house and door jamb, and make full the mitered edges.  Wipe for a shine, clean terminate.  Allow the caulk to fully dry before painting the trim.

What an improvement! Yous can come across a few more updates we managed to make earlier winter reared its ugly caput again, like that killer $17 light and those DIY firm numbers (tutorial coming shortly).  Nosotros're making progress, for sure, and I can't wait to reveal the full curb appeal makeover next calendar month!

How To Replace Exterior Door Trim 1


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